Museo dei Grandi Fiumi (Museum of the Great Rivers)
Piazzale San Bartolomeo, 18

In this stunning Renaissance setting, the museum exhibits and honours the archaeological, environmental and cultural heritage of Polesine, a land shaped by two of the most important Italian rivers, Po and Adige.
An external Roman lapidary, as well as the new room "Museo in Scena" (the museum on stage), has been added to the display, dedicated to the artist director and scenographer from Rovigo, Gabbris Ferrari, the creator of most of the displays.
Piazza S. Bartolomeo, 18, 45100 Rovigo RO
Phone no: +39 0425 1540440
- Monday: closed
- Tuesday-Thursday: 10:00 AM-1:00 PM (ticket office closes at 12.00 AM)
- Friday, Saturday and Sunday: 10.00 AM-1.00 PM; and 3.00 PM-6.00 PM (ticket office closes at 12.00 AM and 17.00 PM)
Full price: € 8,00
Reduced price: € 5,00 School groups, groups minimum 10 people, under 25, over 65, carers of people with disabilities, young people in civil service, associations/affiliated organisations.
Free - Children under 6, people with disabilities, I.C.O.M. members, tourist guides equipped with license, journalists and publicists. Family ticket: for family groups made up of 1/2 parents and children, the entrance for children up to the age of 18 is free.
The Museum joins the Rovigocard.